lilopicgraphicWM.jpgYes, Kombucha is being removed from various supermarket chains because of alcohol content that may not match what the label says. No, Lindsay Lohan is not the cause. Millennium Products founder G.T. Dave, creator of Synergy Kombucha, wants to clear that up.

Dave tells X17online exclusively:

    "We are investigating reports of the potential for slightly elevated alcohol levels in our Kombucha products that may be occurring after the product has been bottled and has left our facility. Although our products are tested to be compliant at the time of shipping, a subsequent increase in alcohol levels could potentially cause the product to go above 0.5% causing potential labeling issues.

    We are working quickly to identify the possible causes and which lot codes and/or regions are being potentially affected. Please keep in mind that this is not related to any type of food contamination, is not a recall, had NOTHING to do with Lindsay Lohan and that you can still find our products at certain retailers. We are trying our best to get our product back on the shelves of every store. Until that happens, you can check the store locator featured on our website for further information on these retailers."

X17online had learned that Whole Foods and Bristol Farms were removing Kombucha from their stores with one employee telling us exclusively why this was happening:

    "It may have more alcohol than what is listed on the label. As a precaution, all of our stores have taken the product out of the store refrigerators. But we're not supposed to notify customers as to why exactly we're not carrying Kombucha at the moment."

The timing for this investigation seems a bit more than just coincidence...with Lindsay carrying around Kombucha known to have a higher level of alcohol than the label's .05 disclaimer ... then the SCRAM device going off due to her .03 to .04 blood alcohol level.

We still wouldn't put it past Lilo to chug her Kombucha like it's going out of style ... but we'll reserve judgement for now.