sheenlogo230new.jpgCharlie Sheen will not be doing his community service work at Theatre Aspen ... at least not yet.

Earlier this week, the Aspen, Colorado judge didn't accept the plea agreement presented by Sheen's attorney. Under the "Useful Public Service Program", Sheen's agreement would have allowed him to leave jail for up to 12 hours every day to work at the theater. As for why it fell through, we're told "undisclosed specific stipulations" caused the plan to temporarily derail.

Paige Price, Theatre Aspen's artistic director, tells X17online exclusively:

    "It seemed like it was on the right track. I'm kind of surprised at the outcome, but stay tuned. Charlie was going to teach, but to what capacity wasn't worked out. Some of the professional actors were excited to learn some new techniques from him."

Price says that while in the courtroom, she and Sheen spoke briefly. She tells X17online, "He said thank you for trying to help." As for whether their policy of no smoking in the theater was the cause of the agreement to fall through, Price says, " I doubt it." However, she did add, "I imagine it didn't make him too happy."

The door is still not closed for Sheen to work with Theatre Aspen, according to Price. Sheen's next court date is set for July 12.