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shoes Alexis Neiers jail  lynwood jeans lindsay lohan

Pretty Wild star Alexis Neiers was released from jail last night around 10:30 pm, after serving 30 of her 180-day jail sentence behind bars at Lynnwood Regional Detention Facility where Lindsay Lohan is currently behind held, and X17 was there to catch the EXCLUSIVE photos and video. Neires, 19, pleaded no contest to felony burglary of Orlando Bloom's LA home last October.

Neiers talked to X17online, exclusively, just after her release and here's what she said:

    On being free:
    "I don't even know if I can express how I feel. I feel blessed."

    First thing she will do:
    "Im gonna go home, shower and get in my bed."

    What she missed the most:
    "Food...It was like Spam, bread and mayonnaise."

Neiers also released a statement saying:

    "I've had time to reflect on my life and the choices that led me to this experience, left alone in my cell 23 hours a day and having everything stripped away but the bare essentials. I did a lot of soul searching. I feel very humbled and see my life in a way that I have come to be very grateful for and I am also grateful to everyone who has helped and supported me through this. I am committed to talking to teens and encouraging them to become goal oriented and participate in positive activities that give back to their world."