Lindsay Lohan voyeur birthday lindsay lohan jacket smile red bull
Lindsay Lohan voyeur birthday lindsay lohan jacket smile red bull

What's a sober girl to do when out partying on her birthday, just minding her own business, and a lowly waitress hits her in the face?! Tweet about it, of course!

Lindsay Lohan Tweeted, around 1 am, "A waitress just hit me - punched me for no reason." Dramz!

rseacrest041209.jpgWho's the unlucky girl, made famous today as the server who sucker punches? It's said to be Jasmine Waltz, the "hottie" bartender who was dating Ryan Seacrest for a minute back in April last year.

Lindsay looked fine, however, as she exited the club around 2:30 am (she arrived at 11 pm). In fact, she was well enough to continue the celebration at a house party in Beverly Hills. She left that scene around 3:30 and headed home.

Cipriani070110_01.jpgMeanwhile, Lindsay's rumored boy toy Danny Cipriani (the namesake of the hot NY and London restaurants and ex-boyfriend of English pin-up Kelly Brook) was also at Voyeur. He was hanging with Paris' ex, Doug Reinhardt. Lonely hearts club, anyone?

He and Lilo met at a World Cup party (remember the one where Lindsay was hugging Gerard Butler?), they swapped numbers, and Lindsay's been stalking him ever since, according the a report in the Mirror.

Apparently the two enjoyed each other's company last night but Danny wasn't in Linds' entourage when she left ...

Waitress sucker punches, stalker texts, Red Bull-fueled nights, and sober partying ... what a way to start year 24! It's all par for the course with Lindsay Lohan!