kombucha energy drink kombucha energy drink

At this point, I'm surprised no one's snatched the slightly alcoholic drink out of her hands! How is she chugging Kombucha on a daily basis and not setting her SCRAM off?

Last night Lindsay Lohan and several friends, including Danny Cipriani were snapped partying at a private residence in the Hollywood Hills, and the group didn't end up calling it a night until 4am!

Lilo left her pad around 11pm, and around 2:30am Danny showed up at the house, and a few hours later we snapped the 24-year-old starlet leaving with Danny and several other party pals in tow. I know it's her birthday weekend so she's allowed to have a good time, but don't you think putting herself in temptation's way isn't the best plan? Unless of course she wants to keep that SCRAM forever!