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Pamela Anderson flew to Montreal to unveil her new vegetarian campaign for PETA today, but at the very last minute the buxom blonde was denied a permit for the event after city officials claimed her add was sexist.

Anderson says, "In a city that is known for its exotic dancing and for being progressive and edgy, how sad that a woman would be banned from using her own body in a political protest over the suffering of cows and chickens. In some parts of the world, women are forced to cover their whole bodies with burqas -- is that next? I didn't think that Canada would be so puritanical." PETA Senior Vice President Dan Mathews, quipped, "I think that city officials are confusing 'sexy' with 'sexist.'"

Anderson will now be debuting her campaign at Restaurant Globe as part of a news conference for the Just for Laughs Festival, and we're still wondering why the ad was banned. It's not like she's naked!