sandrabullock230logo.jpgIn a recent PSA, Sandra Bullock wasn't afraid to tell the world to ask Congress to deliver funds to restore the Gulf Coast in the wake of the massive BP oil spill. Sandra asks, "What can you offer? Your voice. Speak up."

But now, the actress wants out of the video after a website questioned the motivation behind the "Be The One" campaign.

According to DeSmogBlog website, the video is an industry ploy to get taxpayer money to repair the damage from the BP oil spill. The site also claims that Women of the Storm, the group responsible for producing the video, lists BP and other oil companies as sponsors.

Women of the Storm says oil companies did not fund the video. Bullock's rep has not been available for comment.

Other celebrities featured in the "Be The One" campaign include Dave Matthews, Blake Lively and Emeril Lagasse.