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Jennifer Aniston said it was "not cool" that she was scammed by a celebrity facialist who was recently charged with fraud for using clients' credit card information.

On Good Morning America this morning, Aniston said she stopped working with Maria Gabriela Perez of Chez Gabriela Studio, about five years ago.

Penelope Cruz at Chez Gabriela in September 2009
"We had a situation that was not cool so I just stopped going to her. I knew something like this would eventually happen because there's no way you can get away with that. It's terrible."

Perez's other celeb clients include Penelope Cruz, Halle Berry, Anne Hathaway, Kate Hudson, Cher, and Liv Tyler. According to police docs, Perez told $214,000 from Tyler alone over a five-month period last year.

CLICK HERE to see our gallery of celebs swindled by Chez Gabriela

If convicted, the salon owner faces up to 25 years in jail.

Aniston also commented on Bill O'Reilly's criticism of her comments -- comments the actress called a "celebration" of family and of women. Aniston had said, while doing press for The Switch, that women didn't need the help of men to raise children. O'Reilly said her statement "diminished fatherhood." Here's what Jen said about the situation this morning while chatting with George Stephanopoulos ...