jencourtnew230.jpgGet ready for a mini-Friends reunion! Jennifer Aniston will be joining real-life BFF Courteney Cox on ABC's Cougar Town.

ABC confirms that Aniston will play Cox's therapist in the episode scheduled to air on September 22. So far, Aniston is only scheduled for one episode.

This is the second time the two have teamed up together since Friends. Aniston appeared back in 2007 on Cox’s FX show Dirt in which they exchanged a much-talked about kiss on the lips. Cox also had real-life BFF Sheryl Crow on Cougar Town's first season playing Sara, a confident wine representative who falls for the character, Grayson.

As for Aniston, 41, she's currently promoting her new movie The Switch which performed poorly over the weekend at the box office ... bringing in just over $8 million.

Jen could use a juicy TV role right about now!