Gays and Lesbians have the right to marry in California ... and A-listers couldn't be happier! U.S. District Chief Judge Vaughn R. Walker from San Franciso has deemed Proposition 8 unconstitutional ... allowing same-sex couples to get one step closer to tying the knot.

Although Judge Walker's ruling to ban Prop 8 is expected to be appealed by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, celebrities are tweeting their happiness about the decision.

During the last election, voters approved the ban by a 52.3% margin six months after the California Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage would be allowed under the state Constitution. Proposition 8 was then later upheld by the state high court as a valid amendment to the state Constitution.

GLAAD released the following statement to X17online:

    "More and more Americans are supporting equality, and it is the stories of same-sex couples that are leading that charge across the nation. Today's decision comes after same-sex couples from across California shared their personal stories with Judge Vaughn Walker and the public, helping to show that all loving and committed couples – straight and gay – should have the same opportunity to take care of and be responsible for each other.

Ellen DeGeneres tweets, "Equality won!" Loves it!