X17 EXCLUSIVE - Britney Spears' Former "Life Manager" Wants To Organize A Conservatorship For Lindsay Lohan!
Posted on Fri Aug 27th, 2010 10:55am PDT By X17 Staff

Britney Spears' former publicist/spokesperson Lou M. Taylor of Tri Star Sports & Entertainment in Tennessee is now working with Lindsay Lohan and has been since the day Lindsay was sentenced to 90 days in jail, according to an X17online source.
Taylor's firm's client list includes sports stars Ron Artest and Jose Canseco, among others; a smattering of models; and singers like Mary J. Blige. Britney Spears isn't listed as an individual client, though her Circus Tour is listed, as are her father Jamie and sister Jamie Lynn.
So just what services does Ms. Taylor provide? Her company's website lists business management, tax and accounting services, and financial and estate planning as their specialties. According to the site: "In an industry where each part of your life becomes a challenge to execute wisdom and discern the factors of each aspect of your career, Tri Star provides 'life managers' to come along side of you and your families and encourage you in your life, career and business planning."
Filtering out the poor grammar, that seems to mean Lou and her team will come in and take control of your life when you have no idea what to do. Is that what Lindsay needs?
Apparently Jamie and Lynne Spears thought they needed Lou back in 2008 when she was brought in to figure out what to do with Britney's image, her career and her assets. Our source tells us it was Lou who masterminded Jamie's conservatorship over Britney, with Brit's long-time manager Larry Rudolph was by Lou's side throughout the execution of this takeover, we're told.
The source tells X17online.com exclusively:
- "Lou totally brainwashed Jamie. She convinced him a conservatorship was the only way to go and of course he went along with it when he heard about the financial control it would give him. But Lou didn't have Jamie in mind as the conservator at the beginning. She considered suggesting Larry Rudolph but she was afraid he would abuse the power. With Jamie, Lou thought she would have someone who was naive enough that she could continue to influence him and, therefore, continue to have a direct influence on Britney's life and career for years to come."
So might Lou have the same plan for Lindsay? Our source says YES ...
- "Lou has suggested to Dina [Lohan] that they seek conservatorship over Lindsay's estate. Of course Lindsay doesn't really have any assets to speak of so it would really be for the sole purpose of controlling her future earnings. The problem is, neither Dina nor Michael would ever be granted a conservatorship by a judge so Lou went searching for someone else to fill that role -- someone with whom she could partner in a business sense, someone she trusts. This time she thinks Larry Rudolph may be the answer. Lou now realizes choosing Brit's dad as conservator may not have been the best idea. He got power hungry and decided he didn't need Lou anymore. So this time, Lou thinks Larry might be willing to work her way on this and be a figurehead in Lindsay's career while Lou works behind-the-scenes."
Our source tells us Lou has worked her way into the Lohan family by appealing to their Christianity (her website lists her Topics & Teachings as including "Pleasing God, Not Pleasing Man," "Sex & The Christian Marriage" and "Walking In the Garden with Jesus, Even If You Can't Grow a Chia Pet," among other religious themes).
No one in Lindsay's world wants to talk about this (except maybe to leak a positive story to the NY Post after our probing and poking around the other day) -- not Taylor nor Rudolph, nor Dina Lohan, nor Lindsay's management at Untitled Entertainment has replied to our requests for a statement regarding Lou's relationship with the Lohan family and her plans for Lindsay.
SEE THE GALLERY Britney's Former Handler Has Her Hands On Lindsay