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And the "Bling Ring" beauty, who spent 30 days behind bars (some of them served at the same time as Lindsay Lohan) would certainly know about making bad choices!

While out in Los Angeles yesterday with her hot boyfriend, Alexis had some wise words about Lilo's current situation:

"I think everything in life comes down to choices and when you’re making imbalanced choices there’s obviously going to be repercussions," she said, before Lindsay appealed her 30 day sentence and eventually was released. "Unfortunately she’s going to have to learn a lesson – again. I mean, I was at Lynwood and I would never want to go back." But as we all know, that's a lesson that was cut dramatically short last night!

And speaking of imbalanced choices, after showing off a bit too much of her ladybits Thursday night, Alexis is going just a little less wild in a sequined skirt that's keeping her cuca completely covered, if not much else.

(And if you don't know what a cuca is, just look it up in the Jersey Shore dictionary.)