karissasamchocolate230.jpgFor Karissa Shannon and her boyfriend, Smallville actor Sam Jones III ... money talks. The two have agreed to release their "extremely kinky" sex tape for a six figure deal with Vivid Entertainment.

Steven Hirsch, Vivid CEO, met with Shannon and Jones last week to discuss who handed over the XXX goods to the porn company... and to hammer out a deal.

Hirsch tells X17online exclusively:

    "They wanted me to tell whether or not Spencer was involved in any way with getting the tape to me. I explained that I got it from a third party who said that information was confidential, so how could I give it to them?"


Guess this is one shady deal that Spencer Pratt is NOT involved in. As for the sex tape itself which we're told features S&M, bondage and whips ... Hirsch tells X17online that this video is sure to be one of their "biggest sellers of all time." He adds:

    "There is no doubt this is the hottest tape ever. In terms of the sex, it's really good and really hot. Karissa is one of the most beautiful girls to ever have a celebrity sex tape."

At this point ... I guess it doesn't matter which "third party" gave the tape to Vivid. Looks like the Playboy playmate and Sam will now be laughing all the way to the bank.

Let the "Smallville" jokes begin.