oprah230logo.jpgOprah Winfrey is taking her 25th season opener to new heights by flying 300 lucky viewers to Australia.

Lady O revealed to her unsuspecting audience members that they will be packing their bags for an eight day, seven night trip to Sydney. While there, Oprah will be taping two episodes at the Sydney Opera House that will be transformed into the Sydney "Oprah" House.

Oprah had this to say about the show's big plans:

    “I wanted to kick off my 25th season in a big way and I’ve heard Australia is the ultimate adventure. It’s one of the places I’ve always wanted to visit, and who better to take with me on this trip of a lifetime than some of my most loyal viewers. My team has been planning this trip for almost a year and we are so excited to go down under."

The episodes, called Oprah's Ultimate Australian Adventure, will air early next year.

Some online reports have been claiming that Oprah's buddy John Travolta will be taking the controls of the Qantas plane carrying the audience members to Australia. However, Harpo tells X17online:

    "John Travolta is not flying the plane. Rather he 'flies' the Qantas jet onto the "Oprah" show stage."

This definitely tops "You get a car, you get a car, you get a car!" You go, Lady O!