
Mmmm, can they put him on the cover of every issue of GQ?

The delicious Canadian star chats about everything from his famous wife to his new film Buried, and while he's a box office champ now, he wasn't always on that path. One director told him to never go to Hollywood, and Reynolds says his family had somewhat mixed feelings about him becoming an actor. Of course, he's more than a hunky piece of meat, but it's hard to forget Ryan's first role, as a professional party boy in Van Wilder.

On his rise to fame with the college gross-out film, Ryan says, “It made me the party guy. I would walk into a bar and people would start lining up the shots. You could sum up my career at that point as a free shot at a bar.” And this is interesting -- Ryan (who is totally ripped now) reveals that a body double was used on the poster for the film! It wasn't until Blade that Reynolds says he was in tip top shape, and since then he's been more than happy to show off his smokin' hot torso.

Ryan's Green Lantern co-star Blake Lively weighs in on Ryan's perfect physique, adding, "If you saw him coming to work at five in the morning, when I could barely open my eyes and he'd been up for two hours in the gym. If everyone had that discipline, they, too, could have abs of steel." But would they have his sense of humor and modesty? Prob not!