britney-spears-glee.jpgbritneybrittanyglee.jpgPhoto credits: Adam Rose/FOX

The Britney/Brittany Glee episode may have been a hit with the record 13.3 million people who tuned in, but one group who was not a fan of the show was the Parent's Television Council, who blasted the program for not only the "explicit sexual content", but also the "deification" of the troubled pop-star herself.

In a statement, the conservative watchdog group said:

    "Glee earned its highest ratings ever with this Britney Spears tribute, drawing 13.3 million viewers.

    A scary thought considering that the mostly young teen/tween audience basically witnessed an endorsement of narcotics abuse, public masturbation, and school-sanctioned burlesque. But perhaps most troubling is the deification of a troubled pop star into a symbol of empowerment and self-esteem.

    Considering her stints in rehab, her very public breakdowns, and her questionable parenting skills, there is absolutely no way Spears should be considered a role model.
    'The producers of the show can spare us the old song-and-dance about fallen celebs turning their lives around. What's next? Portraying Ike Turner as a reformed feminist?"

Glee might be a bit too sexy for kids under 14 (which is why Fox gives it the TV-14 rating) but comparing Britney Spears to Ike Turner? That's going too far!