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Gwyneth Paltrow is one of the talented ladies who graces Elle Magazine's annual Women in Hollywood issue for the month of November, and the Oscar-winning actress talks about everything from pervy producers to motherhood with the glossy.

When asked if she's ever had a casting couch experience in Hollywood, Gwyn replied, "Yup. When I was just starting out, someone suggested that we finish a meeting in the bedroom. I left. I was pretty shocked. I could see how someone who didn't know better might worry, 'My career will be ruined if I don’t give this guy a blow job!'"

When it came to discussing the range of movie roles available to women today, the 37-year-old actress said, "[I feel] kind of dejected. There’s a lot that’s okay, but there’s little that’s really good, especially for someone my age. Sometimes you find out that something you really liked is going to someone 10 years younger. I find it heartening that Meryl Streep and Sandra Bullock have been able to find and create amazing projects."

So how does she balance work and motherhood? "It’s really hard," she says. "One night in Nashville, my son was screaming with a terrible stomachache. I was like, 'I have to get out of here!' but we had to finish. My friend Jenno, a mother of three who was producing, was great, reminding me that nine times out of 10, they just have gas."