Despite online reports claiming this is a single from Kim Kardashian's upcoming album, a source close to Kim K tells X17online exclusively, "This is not her voice on the track."

The single, called Shake, has been spreading across the internet with the starlet's name attached. To clear the air, Kim tweeted, "So I guess some song was released today and people seem to think its me, sorry guys, it's not me!"

During an interview last year with Hollyscoop, Kim had the following to say about her plans for a music career:

    “I’d have to hear a song and feel it out and see if it’s something I’d sound good at,” Kim said. I would like the music to sound a bit like Lady GaGa, Britney Spears and J.Lo with a bit of an R’n’B twist to it. Filming the video would be the most fun.”

Don't know about you, but we can definitely hear Britney's vibe in this track. Even though it's not Kim's, we kinda like it!