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Bona fide fashion designer Victoria Beckham took some time out of her busy schedule to pick up her boys from school yesterday afternoon.

Victoria, who's slowly built up an impressive following to her women's wear collection, is dressing her good pal Eva Longoria for the EMAs (which she's hosting) on Sunday in Madrid.

Eva told BBC Radio 1 of her designing pal, "She's definitely sending over some things. I definitely want to wear one of Victoria's dresses, I just absolutely love her dresses and I think structurally they're just absolutely beautiful and form fitting."

The EMA host added emphatically, "That's the only dress I am sure of as of right now, one of Victoria's."

But being a pop-star, fashion icon and now fashion designer to-the-stars doesn't mean that Vicky doesn't still make time for her boys! Think she designs their clothes as well?