First Photos From Glee's Zombie Super Bowl Special Surface
Posted on Wed Jan 26th, 2011 3:25pm PDT By X17 Staff

The cast of Glee is pulling out all the stops for their Super Bowl special, and we must admit, we're just as excited to see the Glee kids do Thriller as we are to see the game! Check out Lea Michele looking scary-hot in that zombie ensemble. LOVE those costumes!

It seems our favorite Gleeks are not only covering one of Michael Jackson's greatest hits ever, the WMHS Cherrios are also doing a little ode to Katy Parry ... complete with blue wigs, flame throwers, and even some spiky boob action.
Hey, if your guy isn't in to watching Glee after the Super Bowl, just show him some of these hot cheerleader photos, and he may just change his mind.
Check out all the hot photos from the Glee set, after the jump!