kelly1cute460.jpgCourtesy: Cosmopolitan

A physically fit Kelly Osbourne is gracing the cover of February's British Cosmopolitan Magazine.

Ozzy's little girl is probably regretting portions of the interview she gave to the mag about ex boyfriend Luke Worrall. She told Cosmo:

    "I think we need to spend time working on ourselves, but it doesn't erase the fact that I'm head over heels in love with him … I haven't been with anyone since Luke."

Too bad her recent twitter rant against Luke couldn't have been included in the article. If you don't recall, Kelly had tweeted:

    "@Luke_worrall is the biggest piece of s*** he has been trying to get back w/ me I only came home for Xmas to see him meanwhile he has been f***ing 100's of girls as well as men behind my back all he did was use me all girls beware of @Luke_worral he is a using c***!"

Ouch! Such a foul mouth, but at least the photos are pretty.

Ms. Osbourne is reportedly dating Rob Damiani, a 26-year-old British musician in a band called Don Broco. Way to start off the new year, Kelly!