Kim Kardashian Gleeks Out At The Golden Globes
Posted on Mon Jan 17th, 2011 5:00pm PDT By X17 Staff

Kim K. was Tweeting up a storm last night! Her fave outfits at the Golden Globes? "My favs- January Jones, Mila Kunis, JLO, Angelina Jolie." But most amusingly, the Kardashian hottie revealed her inner Gleek on Twitter...
The reality TV starlet Tweeted pics of Lea Michele ("I think I'm in love with @MsLeaMichele! So beautiful and so talented!") and Chris Colfer ("Singing a high note with @ChrisColfer CONGRATS!!!") and they all look adorbs together!
And after Kim K. left, she returned home to "a midnight spray tan! LOL...Thanks Jimmy CoCo for the late nite tan!" Loves.