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Close call!

Brad Pitt made his way through LAX International Airport today on his way back to France. Angelina Jolie's significant other - who was sporting a large gold band (a wedding ring?) on his finger - has been busy renovating the fam's $70 million Chateau Miraval this month and the actor is likely checking in on the progress...

Meanwhile, ex-wife Jennifer Aniston was just in Madrid, Spain promoting Just Go With It. Yesterday, the actress was on Spanish TV show El Hormiguero. And today the 42-year-old flew back in to LAX on Air France, the same airline Pitt used! Too bad the former lovebirds missed running into each other. Or maybe that would've been an awkward moment?

In other Pitt news, various online reports claim the 47-year-old is planning to move his parents Bill and Jane into his French estate (as soon as the renovations are complete) so they can spend more time with their grandkids.

Wonder what Jolie - whose Bosnian War Love Story is still without an official title and release date, according to - thinks about that!