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Kim Kardashian visited the LaserAway Tattoo and Hair Removal salon today -- and as their sign says, they also do Botox.

After an episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians that aired last year, in which Kim got Botox injections, the reality star took to her blog to explain her feelings about the wrinkle treatment: "I am not against Botox, and I would never judge anyone else for getting any kind of surgical or non surgical procedure, but I think when you're young there are other ways you can look after your skin... that help keep you looking young and beautiful. Botox just wasn't necessary for me at this age."

We're told Kim didn't get Botox OR laser hair removal, it was her assistant who got some hair taken off. Lord knows Kim's perfectly groomed - she's got all that stuff under control!

After their salon trip, Kim and her pal stopped at Baskin-Robbins and had a hard time making up her mind ... Lemme help ya, Kim -- choose nothing! They're horribly empty, sugar-filled calories!