kimkhb011.jpgHarper's Bazaar/Terry Richardson

Kim Kardashian is a reality star, a model and a fashion designer, and now she reveals why she's going to to push forward with her career as a singer. "I can carry a tune, yeah," she tells the latest issue of Harper's Bazaar. "I have a cute little voice. I talked to people in the business, and they said, 'This is what we do for fun. You go to the movies, you go shopping, why don’t you try what we do?'"

While filming Kourtney & Kim Take New York, Kim hung out with Kanye West and apparently laid down some tracks, and it sounds like she's serious about it! Hey, if Heidi Montag can do it, why not give it a shot?

Kim, who poses as Cleopatra in this sexy spread, also admits to gaining ten pounds while she was in the big apple. Kim tells the mag, "All the papers were like, 'Kim's pregnant!' I ate the nuts on the street corner, the hot dogs, the street meat. It was not a joke." Kim adds, "I'm on a diet. I need to be. I love to eat—Kit Kats or cookies-and-cream ice cream. I need sugar like five times a day."