Victoria Beckham, who is pregnant with baby #4, stopped by NBC's Late Night With Jimmy Fallon to discuss her house full of boys ... and her hopes for a little girl.

Posh, 36, tells Fallon:

    "The bizarre thing is that the tabloids think they know the sex of the baby before we do. We have no idea, so it is kind of scary, how do they know? We don’t know, we might find out though, we are excited. It will either be a boy to add to the three boys we have and we will have half of a five-aside football team if you add in David. We have so much testosterone in our house it is crazy."

When Jimmy shows Victoria her latest Vogue cover, she says she cried during that whole photo shoot without knowing it was due to her pregnancy. She adds, "I was very hormonal and I didn't know why." Now we do!

See Victoria's tiny baby bump ... after the jump.