charliesirius230.jpgSirius XM is getting into the business of Charlie Sheen.

The satellite radio provider announced that they would be launching "Tiger Blood Radio" on Saturday, a temporary channel that will "explore the breaking news, facts, fallout and career implications of the Charlie Sheen controversy."

The broadcast will begin on Saturday March 5 at 6 a.m. and end Sunday March 6 at 6 a.m.

In the 24 hour lineup, all aspects of the Sheen explosion will be covered, including medical, legal and psychological implications of his recent rants.

But there will also be interviews with Sheen’s ex-fiancée and Spice Radio host Ginger Lynn and porn-star Kacey Jordan. The channel will also play clips from Playboy Radio's recent interviews with one of Sheen's "Goddesses", Bree Olson.

Sounds like 24 hours of fun!