
Courtney Love has launched an online war of words with Kelly Osbourne after the E! Fashion Police host called her a "crackhead" on TV the other day. The 46-year-old singer took to her VYou page to clear the air, and not only does she claim that she's been sober since 2005, but she added that she saved Kelly's life on two separate occasions.

Love admitted to taking Adderall, sleeping aids and doing cocaine when drunk this year, but things got REALLY interesting when she launched claims about Osbourne's own alleged drug abuse. "I've saved her life twice. I've done CPR, I've put things in her boobs. Oxycontin, cocaine, foaming at the mouth," Love said in the video.

Osbourne responded to Love's rant by tweeting, "I feel so sorry for you," which prompted Love to shoot back, "Why on earth do you feel sorry for me? i feel terrible that you feel you have to call me a name you know not to be true in least ... and i would have infintely preferred to email you but certain people like to passive aggressively play both sides, so lets not. I'm not in the mood to do "twitter news" in google . are you? your a good kid. have a great vacay."

Love, who clearly wasn't getting enough attention, tweeted later that she had done a photo shoot with none other than Lindsay Lohan! "last night kamil took insanely funny pictures of me and @lindsaylohan with her stabbing me in the heart. you wont ever see them but funny," she wrote. Uh huh.