Gee, Wonder Who Dressed Kingston Today?
Posted on Sun Apr 17th, 2011 9:00am PDT By X17 Staff

No doubt Gwen "Vain" Stefani chose little Kingston's unique get-up yesterday. The outfit looks like something Gwen woulda worn back in her Orange County days (minus the bow tie and if the shirt ripped to expose her midriff).
And it appears Gwen and Gavin even coordinated on their matching white tops and destroyed denim. Hmmm ...
ALL this work -- by the entire family -- just for lunch in Beverly Hills?
Has Gwen's vanity gone overboard?

Even the back of Gwen's sleeveless top is interesting! Don't get me wrong ... the girl has GREAT taste in clothes ... it's just we're wondering if her motivation for dressing up isn't so haute?

Has Gwen Stefani gone overboard with fashion as a result of her vanity?
Gwen looks great every day and so does her family -- no shame in that! | |
Gwen takes fashion too seriously and she cares too much about what people think of her. | |
Fashion is one thing; vanity's another. She can dress any way she wants but she should do it for herself, not to please others. |
SEE THE GALLERY Gwen Stefani Dresses Up The Fam