
Kim Kardashian loves to eat, and she's telling British Cosmopolitan all about it!

While appearing in the May issue of the fashion magazine, Kim reveals she "couldn't care less" about being a size 4 or size 14. She tells the mag:

    "I have cellulite. So what! I’ve never claimed to be perfect. It’s crazy anyone should assume that just because you’re in the spotlight, you’re flawless. Sometimes I pig out and I still feel great, and think, 'That was so worth it!' That’s how I feel a lot of the time. I think, 'See this little dimple of cellulite here? It was so worth it for that cookies ’n’ cream ice cream!' If I was stuck on a diet my whole life, I would be really miserable. I love to eat. If you can’t enjoy your life then what’s the point? You can’t torture yourself. I love Rice Krispies Treats, ice cream and frozen yogurt."

Way to keep it real, Kim! As for her exact size, she adds:

    "I never aspired to be a size zero. Although one time I tried on a dress with a size-8 label when I thought I was a size 4. It turned out it was a UK size 8, so actually it was my normal size. But it made me think, 'Why do I even care?' I couldn’t care less if it said 14. It’s just a number. Your best measure is to look in the mirror. I always say you shouldn’t weigh yourself. I don’t even have a set of scales in my house."

When asked about her famous rear, Kim tells Cosmo, "I see ridiculous stories about my butt, like how it has been insured. I feel like saying, 'Hey, everyone has a butt. It’s not that big a deal!'"

See more sexy shots of Kim in British Cosmo ... after the jump.