Sean Penn's Son Is Hopping Mad!
Posted on Mon Apr 11th, 2011 5:29pm PDT By X17 Staff

Seems Sean Penn's son Hopper has his dad's famously rebellious attitude, as was evident this afternoon when he welcome photographers snapping photos of the pair at a Beverly Hills office building by screaming at them.
And then he did THIS ...
Stay tuned for the video, coming soon!

That is a PRO middle finger -- not just someone who never does it, throwing it out there. This is a kid who does it regularly -- note the extended thumb and the perfectly straight middle finger with surrounding digits bent in half. Perfect form!
Dad wasn't too upset; in fact, dare I say he was proud! Our photographers tell us Sean was ushering his son into the office building, letting Hopper do the dirty work!
SEE THE GALLERY Sean Penn's Son Goes Wild