Schwars230.jpgThe reveal that Arnold Schwarzenegger fathered a love child out of wedlock would have been a massive blow to his political career, but will it affect his movies?

Since leaving his post as governor of California, Schwarzenegger has started to re-boot his film career, including plans to revive the Terminator franchise. When speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, the producer of one of his upcoming films seemed adamant that the scandal would not affect the box office.

“It doesn’t affect this movie ... This is just another one of those things no one will remember,” said Albert Ruddy, producer of Cry Macho, in which Schwarzenegger will play a horse trainer. “Let he who is free of sin [cast the first stone], right?"

Right. To name a few, actors who have had affairs in recent years include Jude Law, Ryan Philippe, Ethan Hawke and Balthazar Getty. None of them have met complete rejection from the industry, but Philippe, Hawke and Getty could certainly do with a hit or two. Hawke's TV pilot was recently passed on by networks, while Philippe's latest film, The Bang Bang Club, has gone nowhere fast.

Ironically, one of Schwarzenegger's next projects reflects his real life ...