kimbret460WM.jpgBret photo courtesy of Krave magazine

After making claims that he had a "physical relationship" with reality show star Kim Kardashian, New England Patriots player Bret Lockett is backtracking on his words ... sort of.

While speaking to HLN's Showbiz Tonight, The football star stuck to his story that he and Kim had a "long-distance" relationship, but he says it was strictly over the phone. He adds, "I never actually met her."

Since the affair allegations surfaced, Ms. Kardashian has denied ever meeting or speaking with Mr. Lockett.

Lockett tells Showbiz Tonight, "'When i said it was a physical relationship I meant there was a physical aspect to the relationship. Did i mean that I saw her in person? No."

Find out what kind of proof Lockett says he has of the "relationship" ... after the jump.