NIckVanessatelevised230.jpgWas this really a good idea the first time?

Nick Lachey's wedding to Jessica Simpson was televised in 2002 -- now, almost 10 years later, he's giving it another go. TLC announced today that it would televise the wedding of Lachey, 37, and fiancee Vanessa Minnillo, 30, in a special called Nick & Vanessa's Dream Wedding.

The special will air a few weeks after the actual ceremony and include footage of the wedding planning process, their joint wedding showers and the wedding itself. Internet buzz is that the wedding could be any day -- even as soon as this weekend, according to some reports.

"... we thought partnering with TLC on this special would be the best way to share the exciting journey we're on with all the people that support us and our relationship," the couple said in a statement. ...