smiller030811_01_X17WM230.jpgSienna Miller has received an apology from Britain's newspaper News of the World for an incident that happened back in the mid-2000s in which the publication admitted to illegally intercepting her private phone messages in order to publish stories.

The apology states that NOTW "acknowledges that the information should never have been obtained in the manner it was” and that “the private information should never have been published." It goes on to say NOTW "has accepted responsibility for misuse of private information, breach of confidence and harassment.”

In addition to the apology, the publcation has also reportedly agreed to pay Sienna's legal fees which amount to nearly $165,000.

Four other hacking victims have come forward in addition to Sienna, and as a result, other lawsuits are pending against the publication. The scandal has resulted in the arrest of several editors and a reporter from the newspaper.

Find out how many articles were written by NOTW as a result of the hacking ... after the jump.