January Jones sunglasses pregnant yoga

January Jones is many months preg, and about to start shooting season six of Mad Men, so it's no wonder she relies on weekly yoga classes to keep her centered.

The gorgeous mommy-to-be is reportedly due in the fall (it's a girl!), which completely coincides with filming. Thankfully the show's creator, Matthew Weiner, has got it all figured out.

"It was two choices really: Either I hide it or I'm gonna go with it. I made a decision. She told me before the world knew, so I had some time to think about it. The real thing is, she's so cute! She looks great. She looks so great! It's very disappointing," Weiner recently revealed to TVGuide.

We're just bummed we have to wait until 2012 for Men Men season six!

Check out our exclusive video of Jones heading to yoga, below: