Jennifer Aniston's episode of Inside the Actor's Studio will air Monday on Bravo, and the network has just released a teaser for her interview with James Lipton, host of the show.

The talk covers Jen's career from the early 90s on, including, of course, Friends, and talk turned to ex Brad Pitt when the 2006 film The Break Up came up. The couple split in 2005 after almost five years of marriage; Brad Pitt soon went public with his relationship with Mr. and Mrs. Smith co-star Angelina Jolie.

Aniston tells Lipton of filming The Break Up:

    "I was slightly familiar on the topic and the issue. So, I honestly felt like – what a great way to sort of exorcise some of that."

Lipton asks if her "familiarity" made filming the movie easier or harder. Aniston responds:

    "Easier, oddly. I enjoyed it. I really enjoyed it. … You would think otherwise. Even the producers were like, ‘I don’t know if we should ask you to do this,’ and I was like, ‘Why not? You know, turn the page. Let’s move on.’”

Aniston's newest beau, Justin Theorux, was in the crowd watching the interview.