
Casey Anthony's not guilty verdict has celebrities speaking out. The 25-year-old woman was accused of murdering her two-year-old daughter Caylee back in 2008. The young girl's remains were found in the woods near her home in Florida.

Kim Kardashian Tweeted the following:

    "WHAT!!!!???!!!! CASEY ANTHONY FOUND NOT GUILTY!!!! I am speechless!!!"

Below are more celebrity reactions:

    Jill Zarin (Real Housewives of NYC): "I can NOT believe Casey Anthony was found NOT GUILTY! What..the glove didn't fit? This is terrible. I am SHOCKED."

    Carson Daly: "That jury better get into hiding."

    Caroline Manzo (Real Housewives of New Jersey): "Sick to my stomach over Anthony ruling. God let that poor little baby rest in peace."

    Kathy Griffin: "Wow. Ok, now this case has my attn. Not guilty? Really? I just assumed..."

    Benji Madden:"Casey Anthony looks Crazy man. like real Crazy. like street rat Krazy. Kray Kray. 100$ says she moves to LA in 30 days or less."

Watch the verdict being read ... after the jump.