Some quotes from Lady Gaga's interview with Howard Stern hit the web Monday, but now the whole interview is online, and Gaga and Stern don't disappoint!

In video of the interview for Stern's radio show, Gaga chats about drugs and sex, and she's surprisingly conservative on both.

Gaga has been honest about her past drug use -- including cocaine and ecstasy. But, Mother Monster tells Stern now that she only smokes marijuana, and regrets her time doing harder drugs. She says of cocaine:

    "I was so unhappy ... I was lonely and there was something about the drugs that made me feel like I had a friend … I didn't do it with other people. I did it alone. I did it all alone in my apartment and I wrote music and you know what, I regret every line I ever did. ... don't touch it, it's the devil."

And when it comes to sex, Gaga apparently isn't as sexually promiscuous as her songs and videos might make her scene. She tells her fans:

    "I don’t want anyone doing drugs, and you should wait as long as you can to have sex.”

So why does Gaga think her little monsters should wait? Read what she said after the jump.