RONeal091808_11_230.jpgRedmond O'Neal, 26, was pulled over early this morning in Santa Monica for running a red light, and during the stop, officers found heroin in his car. The 26-year-old redhead is the son of Ryan O'Neal and Farrah Fawcett.

A public information officer released the following statement:

    "At approximately 8:45am a motor officer observed an argument at a store on Lincoln corner of Michigan. O'Neal was one of those involved in the argument. The officer then watched as he got into his vehicle. He proceeded to go north bound on Lincoln before turning west bound on Olympic, it was at this time the officer observed him going through the red turn arrow."

The officer added, "A search of his vehicle was done and narcotics were recovered."

O'Neal has been involved in several drug related incidents. Read more about his history ... after the jump.