Farmer Makes Rihanna Cover Up During "Inappropriate" Video Shoot
Posted on Tue Sep 27th, 2011 1:30pm PDT By X17 Staff
Rihanna was filming her latest music video in Northern Ireland on Monday when a farmer who was allowing her to use his field for the shoot says he "felt things were getting inappropriate."
The songstress was wearing a red, bikini-type outfit and apparently started taking off layers of clothing while filming.
"I requested them to stop and they did," DUP Alderman Alan Graham told the BBC. "I had my conversation with Rihanna and I hope she understands where I'm coming from. We shook hands."
Graham said he did not know who the 23-year-old pop star was when he got a phone call last week asking to use his grain field. "From my point of view, it was my land, I have an ethos and I felt it was inappropriate," he said. "I wish no ill will against Rihanna and her friends. Perhaps they could acquaint themselves with a greater God."