Real Housewives' Michaele Salahi Wasn't Kidnapped, Ran Off With Journey Guitarist
Posted on Wed Sep 14th, 2011 5:15pm PDT By X17 Staff

Michaele's husband Tareq Salahi reported his wife missing Tuesday after she didn't return to their Virginia residence. Michaele called him from an unknown Oregon number the night before, and Tareq believed she was in danger.
However, authorities have since been in contact with the Real Housewives of D.C. star, and Tareq doesn't need to worry -- except for the fact that his wife left him on her own volition.
A statement released by the Warren County Sheriff's Office Wednesday said Michaele "assured the deputy that she had left the residence with a good friend and was where she wanted to be. Mrs. Salahi advised that she did not want Mr. Salahi to know where she was."
So where did she go? Memphis ... to be with Journey guitarist Neal Schon, her rep told E! News. The two used to date, and the band is currently in the Tennessee city preparing for a show tonight with Foreigner.
For her part, Michaele says she is sorry that officers had to get involved "but she did not want to be home right now."
Well this is one way to get attention ... or a reality show.
Photo: Courtesy of Bravo
- "She seemed calm, was engaged in conversation, and assured the deputy that she had left the residence with a good friend and was where she wanted to be. Mrs. Salahi advised that she did not want Mr. Salahi to know where she was."
The Salahis were married in 2003, while Schon married his third wife, Amber Kozan, in 2001.