Suri Cruise Starts Classes At School Allegedly Associated With Scientology
Posted on Thu Sep 15th, 2011 9:15am PDT By X17 Staff

The New Village Leadership Academy in Calabasas, Calif., where Suri is attending, was founded by Will and Jada Pinkett Smith. Both are rumored Scientologists.
Suri's father, Tom Cruise, is openly a Scientologist.
NVLA drew attention in 2009 for teachings similar to Scientology's. At Scientology schools, children are supposedly fed low-carb lunches and sometimes even have days of fasting. Says NVLA's website: "There is a low-sugar policy at the school. ... Also stressed is that television time be limited [at home]."
One of the principals of Scientology is that children, in effect, teach themselves. This is certainly reflected on NVLA's website, which reads, "The New Village Leadership Academy is dedicated to the cultivation of powerful, self-educating leaders ... our children move forward as quickly as they like."
And, eventually, perhaps learn that we are descended from aliens.
X17 contacted the school. We were told, "We are not affiliated with any religion. This is a secular school."