Adam Levine Starts Another Twitter Feud, This Time With Fox!
Posted on Thu Oct 20th, 2011 12:30pm PDT By X17 Staff

In August, Levine Tweeted at MTV that the VMAs were the "one day a year when MTV pretends to still care about music." Now, he's taking on Fox News!
He Tweeted Wednesday: "Dear Fox News, don't play our music on your evil f***ing channel ever again. Thank you."
Just as MTV did, Fox is responding. Fox News host Andy Levy Tweeted: "Dear Adam Levine, don't make crappy f***ing music again. Thank you." Ouch!
Greg Gutfeld, host of Fox News show Redeye, Tweeted, "Why did Maroon 5 cross the road? Because crappy music is legal there!"
Ah, the joys of grown men fighting on Twitter.