Arnold Schwarzenegger Bonds With Son Patrick In Madrid
Posted on Sat Oct 8th, 2011 11:00am PDT By X17 Staff

On Friday Arnold Schwarzenegger and his son Patrick attended the Arnold Classic Europe 2011 party at Cecilio Rodriguez's Gardens in Madrid, Spain, and it looks like the two are getting along quite well despite the drama their family has dealt with this year.
Just last week the former California governor reunited with soon-to-be ex-wife Maria Shriver and their son Christopher, so clearly they're trying to stay civil for their four children. Of course, after Patrick changed his last name from Schwarzenegger to Shriver earlier this year, it seems like he's taken his mom's side, but who knows?

Wonder what they were talking about? Arnie certainly looks amused...
SEE THE GALLERY Arnold Schwarzenegger And Son Patrick Have A Chat In Spain