
The Kardashian sisters proudly launched their Kardashian Kollection handbag line to be sold exclusively in Australia, but now their bag styles are coming under fire for looking a bit too similar to designer bags.

Online reports claim at least eight styles from their collection are almost direct knock-offs of high-priced purses ... and they've been described as "tribute" bags.

Some of the designers who have apparently served as "inspiration" to the Kardashian girls include Alexander Wang, Chanel and Balenciaga.

Although the Kardashians have said they've designed "the entire thing ourselves," Steven Kolb, CEO of the CFDA, released the following statement:

    "All designers deserve the right to design protection and only the creator of an original design should profit from that design. Taking someone’s work and calling it your own is wrong and robs the designer of a rightful return of their investment."

Doesn't sound like this collection is 100% in the bag!