Kim Kardashian, 31, has given her first interview since filing for divorce from husband Kris Humphries, 26, on Monday.

While in Australia to promote her new handbag line with sister Khloe, Kim told a radio show that she wanted to keep her professional commitments.

    "In a tough situation, I'm trying to do the best I can. It's actually kind of an escape to be able to come here ... I really wanted to ... come out here to get my mind off of everything. ... There's really no easy way to go through something like this."

When further pressed about why her marriage to Humphries ended, Kim declined to go into detail:

    "I don't really think I'm ready to go to the details ... but I do want to make clear that I would never marry for a TV show, and I think it's ridiculous that I even have to defend that, but I guess that's what comes along when you film your wedding for a reality show."

Khloe and husband Lamar were on hand to defend Kim. "I'm really proud of my sister for sticking to the commitment [of coming to Australia]," Khloe, 27, said.