KimKrisDadHumphriesSpeaksOut230.jpgKris Humphries, 26, has remained relatively quiet since Kim Kardashian, 31, filed for divorce on October 31. But his father, William Humphries, defends his son in the latest issue of Life & Style.

Says William:

    "There was never a discussion about it — it just came out of nowhere and blindsided Kris. How could someone do that? ... Kris was completely surprised. The news was already published before he found out. Kris is] hurting, but we’re here for him. ... It’s not a nice situation ... "

Kardashian's camp has said that Kris knew his wife would be filing for divorce, but William says his son found out via the internet.

Since the announcement, suspicions have swirled over the validity of the marriage, and whether Kim married Kris just for TV ratings. She has insisted she "married for love."