??Kim Kardashian Khloe Lamar Odom blue jeans phone scarf

Yesterday Kim Kardashian went shopping in Beverly Hills, and rather than striking a pose for photogs, the 31-year-old reality starlet yapped away on her new iPhone. Kim tweeted, "I can't believe I'm saying this! BUT I'm kinda obsessed w my iphone *bbm hands over eyes face* U gotta see my phone! Silver mirrored! Dope." We don't even want to know what her wireless bill adds up to each month...

In other Kardashian news, Kanye West's former girlfriend Amber Rose has accused Kim of sending a bunch of racy photos to the rapper when they were still together (and when Kim was reportedly still dating Reggie Bush!), and shortly after the story broke, Kim tweeted, "Remember, people only rain on your parade because they're jealous of your sun & tired of their shade." Of course, she didn't mention Amber Rose in the tweet, but I think we all know who it was intended for!