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sunglasses blonde Brooke Mueller charlie sheen party jeans bell bottoms eating presents
sunglasses blonde Brooke Mueller charlie sheen party jeans bell bottoms eating presents

Charlie Sheen's ex, Brooke Mueller, threw a birthday party for twin sons Bob and Max, on Saturday, while the boys' dad Charlie Sheen was nowhere in sight ...

That didn't stop the newly-rehabbed Brooke or her boys from enjoying a sunny afternoon in the park. The kids' school friends attended and everyone appeared to be having a blast. Mueller was the ultimate hands-on mom, carrying the boys around to all the play structures and taking them in the bounce house. Our photographer on the scene tells us: "Brooke looked so happy and the boys were in heaven. They seemed so glad to be with their mom and just running around being regular kids. And when the birthday cake came, they went wild!"

Happy birthday, boys!